Publication «Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria. 2nd ed.»

Year of publishing:
Place of publication:
London; New York
Publishing house:
T. Fisher Unwin; G.P. Putnam's sons
Publication Language:
Scientific topics
  • 03.09.23 Ancient world (before the 5th century AD)
  • 03.91 History of selected countries
Full text:
Bibliographic Description:
Chaldea from the earliest times to the rise of Assyria : (treated as a general introduction to the study of ancient history) / by Zénaïde A. Ragozin. - 2nd edition. - London : T. Fisher Unwin ; New York : G.P. Putnam's sons, 1889. - XX, 381 p. : ill. - (The story of the nations).