Publication «Evolutio formulae integralis ∫ x f-1 dx (lx)m/n integratione a valore x = 0 ad x = 1 extensa»

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Scientific topics
  • 27.23.17 Differential and integral calculus
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Bibliographic Description:
Evolutio formulae integralis ∫ x f-1 dx (lx)m/n integratione a valore x = 0 ad x = 1 extensa = [Разложение интегральной формулы ∫ x f-1 dx (lx)m/n, где интегрирование распространяется от значения х = 0 до х = 1] / auctore L. Eulero // Novi Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitanae. – T. 16 (1771) – Petropolis, 1772. – P. 91-139.
Additional Information:
E421, Solution of a formula for the integral ∫ x f-1 dx (lx)m/n, the integration being extended from the value x = 0 to x = 1 (Opera Omnia: Series 1, Volume 17, pp. 316-357).